138 Search results

For the term "Cabela".


Late this afternoon, we were sitting on the patio enjoying the nice desert evening. Cabela was sitting on one of our folding chairs looking at the quail, mourning doves and other birds in the “west forty” pecking at the ground. Click on this image to enlarge.


Cabela’s Squeaky Toy

Hi – this is Cabela. I am at the new house with my hoomins and Bear. We don’t have a lot of furniture yet but I do have my squeaky toy and a lot of other toys. I just love to play with my toys and I especially like to play with the squeaky toy. I like to make it go squeak and I like to chew on it.

You can watch me squeaking my toy. The Daddy took this movie of me in the new house while I was playing.

Cabela and Bear Napping Places

naptime.jpgI took a couple of shots of the dogs as they laid down for their afternoon naps. I stitched them together to make this composite image.

Cabela likes to lay on the staircase where she can keep an eye on the Mama who usually is at her desk in the family room. She also can see the Mama in the kitchen since there is a mirror on the wall just above the dining room table. Cabela doesn’t want to miss any food that the Mama might be making.

Bear, also a chow hound, likes to nap by the kitchen door where she also can see the Mama at her desk. Plus, she is right there where treats from the kitchen are usually served.

Click on the image to enlarge.