Bob’s 3D Stuff

Wickenburg Town Founder in 3D

We posted about our Town’s Namesake, Henry Wickenburg, back in June of 2014. At some later date, I made a 3D image of the Henry Wickenburg Bust at the civic center and just am now getting around to posting it. Click on the image to enlarge.

More about Henry Wickenburg from Wikipedia:

In 1862 a gold strike on the Colorado River near present-day Yuma brought American prospectors, who searched for minerals throughout central Arizona. Many of the geographic landmarks now bear the names of these pioneers, including the Weaver Mountains, named after mountain man Pauline Weaver, and Peeples Valley, named after a settler.

An Austrian named Henry Wickenburg was one of the first prospectors. His efforts were rewarded with the discovery of the Vulture Mine, from which more than $30 million worth of gold has been dug.

If you don’t yet have your pair of red/cyan 3D glasses, you can see the 2D image here.

Cactus Garden in 3D

This is a view of a couple of the big barrel cacti along the strip just west of the RV Drive. The foreground cactus is a “Devil’s Tongue” barrel cactus while the background shows a “Golden” barrel cactus. An open flower adorns the cactus in front.

In case you don’t have a pair of 3D Glasses, you can view the 2D version of the photo above here.

Old Tombstone Wagon in 3D

I found myself rummaging through some old photos in the archives today and found an image pair that I took in Tombstone, AZ back in 2009. This is a very old buckboard wagon from the 19th century that was sitting along one of the Tombstone side streets. I found the image pair I took back then and today merged them into the anaglyph image above (click to enlarge).

If you don’t happen to have a pair of red/cyan glasses handy, you can view the 2D version of the image here.

Wagon Wheel Gatepost in 3D

I ran across this 3D image in an archive somewhere a few days ago (frankly, I don’t remember which archive) that I took several years ago during the time that Verna and I were in Congress, AZ, shopping for our courtyard gate. This gatepost is in front of a business on the main road between Wickenburg and Yarnell, along AZ HWY 89. The wagon wheel and old wagon next to it seemed like a good target for a 3D photo. Click on the image to enlarge.

If you don’t have a pair of 3D glasses available, you can see the 2D Image here. Of course, you are missing the stereoscopic effect without the glasses.

More Mars Helicopter in 3D

Mars Helicopter Ingenuity in 3D

Another 3D photo from Mars: Ingenuity as seen from the Perseverance Rover on about June 21, 2021, Earth time. Click on the image to enlarge.

From NASA Mars Helicopter Pages:

NASA’s Ingenuity Mars Helicopter is seen here in 3D using images taken June 6, 2021, by the left and right Mastcam-Z cameras aboard NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU/MSSS

As of June 21, 2021, Ingenuity Mars Helicopter has successfully flown its 8th flight, traveling about 525 feet (160 meters) south-southeast from Airfield D to the new Airfield E! This marks the third flight in the Operations Demonstration Phase of Ingenuity, in which the team will continue to push the flight envelope of the aircraft while learning valuable operational lessons. Flight 8 was also the first flight the vehicle executed since performing an update of its Flight-Controller flight software and all telemetry indicates that the update was a success!

In the event that you do not have your 3D anaglyph red/cyan glasses handy, you can see the 2D photo here.