July 2013

M47 Patton Tank in 3D

M47 Patton TankWe stopped briefly at the Patton Museum at Chiriaco Summit on Interstate 10 today on our way back from a quick visit to the California House. While we were there, I snapped an image pair of a Korean War vintage M47 Patton Tank and merged them this evening into this 3D anaglyph. I did a post on this same tank in October of 2009, but this one is from a different angle taken through a chain link fence. Click to enlarge.

Of course, you will need your free pair of 3D glasses to view the anaglyph image. If you don’t have your 3D glasses you can view the 2D image here.

Snoozin’ and Cruisin’


The Mama and Daddy took us for a long, long ride today. When we were done, we were at the big house.

On the way, I decided to take a nap and the Daddy’s arm seemed like a nice pillow. He was driving at the time, but I didn’t care. Click to make us big.

Coolin’ My Heels

Coolin’ My Heels

Sometimes after taking a long walk in the summer, I like to get in the tub the Mama keeps for me on the patio. It feels great on two pair of hot dusty puppy feet. Click on the image to make me big.

Sun Rays

Sun Rays

This is a late-afternoon image of a cumulus cloud just to the west of the house. The sun’s rays give it a spectacular halo! Click on the image to enlarge.

Heirloom Tomatoes

Heirloom Tomatoes

The produce department at the local supermarket had these colorful heirloom tomatoes on display when we were shopping yesterday. I thought it would make a good still life for my camera. Click on the image to enlarge.